Wednesday 30 November 2011

A true friend

I'm suspended from school for 3 months...... A few weeks ago my best friends mom was diagnosed with cancer. I held her while she was crying infront of everyone in the corridor at school. One of the popular kids came up to her and said 'Just get over it' I've never hit anyone harder.

Tuesday 29 November 2011


In class we are listening to a story about Beetthoven. We are learning that Beethoven made his most famous 9th symphany right above a little boy named Christoph. I think it would be really cool to be living below a famous composer. But as the story tells it dosent sound like a very good time :(

Wednesday 23 November 2011


My favourite thing to do when i go on the computer is... FACEBOOK!! In this online application you can add your friends and then talk to them. You can write statuses like where you may be going the night of or you are able to even write something personal if you want. This online application is home to over 500 million users so you may be able to make a new friend or maybe even a speical friend ;) I would recommend Facebook to everyone over 12 because with 500 million users there comes some saftey hazards. But over all this is a great way to communicate with friends take my word for it i have excperience.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

My favourite animal

My favourite animal is .............................................................................................. COUGARS!!!!!!!!! they are feirce and very cuddly. But if I were you then i would run if you saw one. They are found in many different countrys including Ontario, British Columbia and Alberta.

Monday 21 November 2011

Why dont wood peckers get headaches??

Scientists have studied and found out that unlike humans wood peckers have a thick layer of cartilage in the front side of their skull. This cartilage acts as a shock absorber so when it hits it's beak on the tree the cartilage absorbs the impact. I can relate when I fell and hit my head on the ground my sweater absorbed some of the impact.  The sweater was like the cartilage for my head.

Saturday 19 November 2011

The great diving beetle

The Diving Beetle starts out as a larva. It's larva can grow up to 60mm in length. As it grows into an adult it can grow up to a length of 27-35 mm which means it shrinks as it grows, kind of ironic if you ask me. This beetle is commonly found in England but is native to Northern Asia and Europe. This creature is brown and black on their backs and prefer fresh water with vegitation in it. This beetle is in my swimming pool and when i see one it gives me the chills cause they look so ugly. Once we start to clorinate our pool they start to die.



Monday 14 November 2011

How to make an effective Narrative story

1st. you should have a setting and describe it. 
2nd. you should have dialouge .
3rd. you should have characters a main and some supporting characters.
4th. you need to have a conflict and a soulution you should also have a climax!!!

Now you know how to make a effective Begining go and write one :)

Thursday 3 November 2011

what is your favourite application (app)?

My favourite app has to be ANGRY BIRDS. In this application you are either a blue bird that seperates into three different birds or you can use the original red bird. My favourite ANGRY BIRD is the black bird he turns into a bomb when he touches the floor or anything else!!!

Wednesday 2 November 2011

My favourite song this year

My favourite song this year has to be stereo hearts by Gym Class Heros ft. Adam lavaine. This song is a mix of rap and pop. And is a great way to show your musical side of your life, play that pretend guitar and just dance like no ones watching :)

My Favourite Video Game

My favourite video game so far has been Modern Warfare 2. This FPS shooter game is a great game and has various gun choices . I have learned allot from this game like gun names to how to quick scope.